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Weinstein PR Efforts Abound

Once again forgetting that "traditional" media moves slower and over longer epochs than online and trade journalism, I couldn't see that the articles from Newsweek, the Times and New York Magazine were a signal for the following item from Variety today (see article):
With the Walt Disney Co. playing hardball, a Miramax request to take its case to Mouse House's board of the directors has been turned down.
So, it looks like the last hope of the Brothers Weinstein to remain within the Disney family has faded. A couple of interesting asides during the course of this and the Pixar debacle points to a continued course of reckoning for Disney's board. Given that Bob Iger has pronounced that any deal with Pixar is unlikely and "that the relationship has 'approached the end of its natural life span'" and the board is effectively tossing off the Weinsteins (with its anorexic offer to keep Bob on board), it will be interesting to see if Roy Disney steps up with more dissent.

So, Iger is acting as heir apparent, with Eisner sightings likely to become as rare as Loch Ness sightings, and the Board isn't moving to change any of the corporate politics that Eisner has put into play.
Well, the more things change...



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