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Because It's About the Money!

I am not looking to paraphrase, rephrase or reargue the insightful post from Dave Poland over at Movie City News. Arguing that an article (linked via the post) in the New York Times on the demise of the Fuqua/Washington project "American Gangster" misplaces the point by ignoring real world context and events, Dave isolates the most important factor for Hollywood entertainment: Will it make me money (directly or indirectly)?

That's right kids, once again, all together: It's About the Money!

And don't look to such distractions as: what about low grossing indie films that bring Oscars? Because that indirectly increases the value of a studio (and more potentially, directly through post-theatrical windows).

Oh, the link came via a post in GreenCine Daily, a wonderful aggregator of film content web-wide. Go read and learn!



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