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What! They Don't Watch the Commercials?!?

That's right, who'd believe that given the relatively simple ability to zoom past uncreative, often irrelevant ads, television viewers with DVRs would actually choose to do so. Well, according to the folks at Forrester "ad exposure drops 54% among DVR users," but the good news is that "about three-quarters of DVR users watch some ads at least sometimes." (see article)

Speaking as a TiVo habitué myself, if I'm gliding past the ads and something catches my eye, I'll stop and check if it's relevant or interesting.

Why does this matter? Well, advertising dollars follow the eyeballs and if television can't figure out a response -- in the long term, because DVRs are in at best 5% of households -- there may be less interesting things on tv if dollars more to a different medium or delivery format.

No prognostication here, just notice.



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